“Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau is a simply amazing woman. She speaks with such power, emotion and conviction. She truly is a force of nature. Her and Justin Trudeau’s ability to surround themselves with strong, passionate and intelligent women, from his caucus to his ministers, advisors like Miss Telford and Madame St. Denis has proven what we have all known that an empowered society of women is the single greatest tool we have for a more prosperous society.” said Almas Jiwani at WF International Women’s day conference in Toronto-2016
The power to change the world is in our hands, and we must think deeply about how, in our own small, individual ways, we can do this. I am here to tell you, yes we can because it’s 2016.
Perhaps you’ve heard the Chinese proverb, “Women hold up half the sky.” Les femmes soutiennent la moitié du ciel. This remains as true as ever. ~ Almas Jiwani